Where Cold Aisles are part of the room being protected, we try to include nozzles in the aisles wherever possible. This is because of a requirement in BS EN 15004 that “the type, number and placement of nozzles shall be such that the design concentration is achieved in all parts of the enclosure”.
The cold aisle would be shielded from the direct discharge pattern of the room nozzles. We have, therefore, adopted a holistic approach to protecting the entire risk whereby the designer will treat cold or hot aisles as similar to enclosures such as floor voids or ceiling voids, areas where nozzles are considered necessary to achieve a homogenous mixture of agent throughout all enclosures.
One further consideration is that halocarbon agent nozzles need a certain level of clearance in the horizontal plane of the nozzle orifices in all directions in which the nozzle directly discharges (to both sides and in front of the nozzle for the 180° variant).The optimal location for the nozzle is therefore in the centre of the longest wall of the cold aisle, with at least 1.2m clearance to either side and in front of the nozzle. If a wall or other significant obstruction is within 1.2m of the nozzle’s direct discharge pattern, additional agent will be needed to compensate for expected loses.