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Commercial Kitchen Fire Suppression Systems

MEP Fire - Commercial Kitchen Fire Suppression Systems

Fire suppression systems are essential for commercial kitchens if you’re looking to create a secure environment in the breakout of a fire. Within a business, your health and safety are paramount and the kitchen within your commercial building is potentially a place that your company and other businesses on your floor use every day.

If there is no backup plan for any emergencies, there is often a mass panic which causes people to make decisions that they may regret. 

Therefore, if you have everything in check, you won’t have to worry about the potential damage caused to your staff members, company premises, etc. At MEP Fire, we design commercial
kitchen fire suppression systems to prevent any harm from being induced in the event of a severe fire.

Commercial Kitchen

What is a Commercial Kitchen Fire Suppression System?

So, what is a commercial kitchen fire suppression system? The use of a fire suppression system works as a deterrent against a fire caused by a multitude of factors that could irritate the flammable equipment within the vicinity of your commercial kitchen. 

As you know, within a kitchen, you have highly flammable items such as a fryers, ovens, stoves, etc. Whether it is caused by natural force or transpires unexpectedly - a commercial
fire protection system will act as a suppressing agent releasing wet chemical agent onto the protected equipment. 

Fusible links mounted inside the extraction hood will act as
heat detection. Once the fusible link melts, a nitrogen cartridge will activated by mechanical pulley system which in turned pushes the we chemical agent out of the storage cylinder.

The wet chemical agent is typically released through the pipework and evenly distributed over the protected area by carefully positioned discharged nozzles - knocking down the fire and preventing spread.

Opposing Types of Fire Suppression Systems For Your Commercial Kitchen

A fire suppression solution is easy to come by when you’re scouring the endless options available online or in-store. Yet, making the final decision, assuring that you’ve chosen suitable fire extinguishers for your commercial kitchen can be challenging. 

Here at MEP Fire, it is our responsibility to ensure that the end user receives the best possible product for any potential damage that a fire could cause in commercial kitchens. 

Hence, we’re going to alleviate that stress and submit some of the finest systems that you can install in your commercial kitchen to see optimal results. 

One of the main components of
fire safety is to understand that heat is one of the main causes of the fire triangle. A wet chemical extinguishing system will not only regulate the heat of the fire, but the chemical agents will create a barrier preventing any oxygen supply to the ignition source

With all of the flammable items within a kitchen, establishing an
automatic fire suppression system in your commercial kitchen will ensure that everything is under control - regardless of whether you’re present or not.

Here are some different
types of fire suppression systems that you may want to consider if you’re looking for protection against active fires in your building:New Paragraph

Mechanical Systems

Mechanical systems use fusible links mounted within the extraction hoods. The links are installed and then tension is applied onto the pulley system. If a fire were to occur, the fusible link would melt at a specific temperature separating the actuation line and activating the pilot cylinder to release the extinguishing agent. 

Mechanical systems are one of the most robust and common solutions found on today's market. The technology is tried and tested due meaning the solution has been refined to act precisely as needed over a number of years. There is also a mountain of successful activations providing sought after re-assurance.

Pneumatic Systems

A slightly newer technology recently introduced to the market is pneumatically actuated tube based kitchen fire suppression systems. A synthetic tube is deployed into the kitchen hood instead of a mechanical element. 

The tube will be filled with nitrogen which will expand when heat is applied causing it to burst at a specific temperature. Once the tube bursts, the nitrogen is released and the pressure differential valve will activate at the cylinder causing the extinguishing agent to disperse through the pipe network. 

By implementing this
cost-effective system, the automatic detection tubes will save you from any human intervention during an emergency - which is crucial for the health and safety of everyone involved.

Electronic Systems

Electronic systems are the result of years of rugged experience and observation in the commercial kitchen environment. Electronic systems work hand in hand with the extinguishing system and expand the capabilities of the system allowing monitoring and dual activations. The electronic system can also be integrated into the building management system for activation alert or external fault monitoring. 

The unit is typically supplied with primary and secondary batteries for continuous, uninterrupted fire detection and fire suppression system actuation without the need for an external power supply for 24/7/365 protection.

Linear heat detection and spot heat detectors can be deployed which have limited moving parts and can be fully supervised minimising the impact of grease build up.

Features and Benefits of Using Commercial Kitchen Fire Suppression Systems

Although we’ve discussed how these excellent systems can contain eternal damage to your commercial kitchen, listing out the features and benefits of using commercial kitchen fire suppression systems will give you a greater understanding of what you can expect from each model. 

At MEP Fire, we provide the highest-quality commercial kitchen fire suppression products with professional services to go with them as we believe that only the best is good enough. 

Taking advantage of this opportunity to ingrain health and safety into your working environment will guarantee that people feel secure as they enter and leave the building. Hence, here are the vital features and proven benefits of each commercial kitchen fire suppression system:

  1. Knockdown flames effectively - With each system, you can expect it to remove and slow down the burning process - whether you’re in a restaurant, office building or any other commercial property.
  2. Stems reflash - The initial flame may be put out but you may be worried about reignition. Yet, with these fire suppression systems, it will not allow that to happen.
  3. Cooling effect - In the event of a fire, the grease and cooking surfaces are often the main source of heat in the damaging effects. Yet, with a suppression system, you have the ability to prevent that before it even becomes an issue.

How Can MEP Fire Assist You With Your Commercial Kitchen Safety?

Here at MEP Fire, it has been our mission to implement fire suppression systems in all environments that have the potential to cause serious damage or injury to people and belongings within a property on behalf of the fire industry.

Our tailored commercial kitchen fire suppression systems partnered with our expert network and services will be all you need for your commercial kitchen to have a backup source of adequate fire extinguishing in times of trouble. 

Everything we deliver is prided on being the highest quality it can be when covering the core of business and we will continue to furnish this to our customers and clients around the world. Call us at
01628 963830 or email us for further details. 


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